Wednesday 19 November 2014

Specialities of Thiruvalluvar Statue of Cape Comorin

Thiruvalluvar is a Renowned Poet of Tamil Nadu, India, who has written the Tamil Poetical Epic of ‘Thirukkural’. He has written it in two-line couplets highlighting various components of life. It comprises of 1330 couplets and 133 Chapters each containing 10 couplets.
It has Three Parts where First Part touches upon the subject of Virtue containing 38 Chapters while the Second Part centres around the Topic of Wealth with 70 Chapters and the Last Part hovers around the Theme of Love consisting of 25 Chapters thus making up 133 Chapters altogether.
He was a happy married man as he had a wife who had loved, respected and obeyed him in every age and stage of his life. Even then he led a divine holy life thereby he showed people that to lead a divine life there was no need to leave material family life.
It is believed that Thiruvalluvar was born 30 years before Jesus Christ.
Tamil Calendar starts from the era of Thiruvalluvar and it is referred to as Thiruvalluvar Year.
Located on a Rocky Islet offshore of Cape Comorin, Thiruvalluvar Statue is one of the Biggest Statues of Asia modeled on The Statue of Liberty of New York, U.S.A. It has been carved out from a number of rocks which have been joined together later on which has a height to equal the total number of chapters of Thirukkural, the Master-piece of Renowned Tamil Poet Thiruvalluvar.
It has Two Parts namely the Statue Part and the Platform Segment. The height of the Statue Part is 95 feet while that of the Platform Part is 38 feet. So the combined height of the Statue comprising of Statue Part and Platform Part is 133 feet. The height of Platform of 38 feet represents the number of chapters contained in the First Part of the Work,‘Virtue’ and the height of 95 feet of the Statue represents the number of chapters contained in the Second and Third Parts of the said Epic. Thus the Statue portrays the Themes of Wealth and Love based on Virtue.
Three – Tier Pedestal of Statue is surrounded by an Artistic Hall known as ‘Alankar Mandapam’. The Hall is surrounded by the Statues of 10 elephants. To help visitors worship Holy Feet of Saint Thiruvalluvar 140 steps have been constructed inside the Hall.

How To Reach

By Air

The Nearest Airport is Trivandrum, 80 km

By Rail

Kanyakumari has a Railway Station of its own which is connected to Major Towns of India
Thirunelveli is an important Railway Junction, 80 km, which can be reached by road via Nagercoil, 19 km

By Road

Well connected to Major Towns of South India
Local Movements
Tourist Vehicles, Inter-city Train Services, Boat Rides, Walks, etc.

 Copyright © 2017 by  Davis Akkara

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